Nikki and Mal vs. Masika
First of all, how they let this Uncle Fester looking mofo
play both of them is beyond me. He just looks like a creep. Ewww
Was I the only one lost with the back and forth between him
and Berg? I was confused!
They were both played period. It’s been proven that he’s a liar. I’m sorry
Uncle Fester, not buying it! Homosexual tho? Hmmm maybe
Moniece and Fizz vs. Amanda
Moniece read Amanda since day one. She was a fraud!!!!! She
exposed herself. I feel Moniece on what she was saying...don’t
talk to me like you’re crazy. Bish don’t insult my intelligence! Amanda was
clearly trying her. Moniece gave her just what she was looking for. #yougetwhatyougive
I was rooting for Amanda at first and she went and played
Fizz. Smh He’s a good dude too!!!
Talking about she loves him right now!! Wtf does that even mean? This bish is a fraud! Fizz better leave that girl alone. She’s cheated twice for
crying out loud! #whereisthelove? LMAO
Omarion, Apryl and Mama
Zzzzzz who cares? They were pointless on this whole entire
reunion. #FF
Ray J and Princess vs. Morgan
I’m sorry but I believe Morgan. She’s the center of
everything. She was confidant to both Ray and Princess. What the hell does she
have to lose by lying? They willingly told her alllllllllllllll their business
and when they came for her neck she exposed them.
They really showed their asses! Morgan was getting in Ray’s
ass and or course in true bitch fashion he couldn’t handle it. #truthhurts
He just had to take it to another level and sic his
dog on her.
Ray: Can you please go knock her out right quick?
Princess: You want me to?
YOoOoooo when Princess got up to attack Morgan I knew
what type of bish she was. A well trained one. One that doesn’t have a thought
process of her own and is lead by others! While I am all
for standing up for yours and doing what you need to do, no REAL MAN would
ever ask you as his woman to come to his defense and fight like that. A man protects and defends his lady, not put her in a situation to be harmed or to harm others. Ray J is no man!!! POINT BLANK PERIOD! He's the real PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm DONE with both of them!
Morgan was ambushed. Where the hell was the security then? All this hoopla about not supporting violence. #blah I was soooo maddd! Did you see how
she was punching that door? She would have gave Princess a run for her money
had she gotten the chance.
Even Mona was frazzled. They messed her "Red Light Special" pj's all up!!! HA
Berg vs Teairra
Berg: This is my love
Masika: We’ve always loved each other before we started
C’mon son there has to be more to this that we didn’t get a
chance to see. Like they had to be messing around before they started recording
and during his stint with Hazel because this isn’t adding up.
This Love pentagon thing is corny as fck. Don’t nobody care
about Berg and his lady friends. Of course Ray chimes in and stirs up more mess regarding Berg’s relationship with Teairra.
Hmmm well that escalated quickly...
When Berg said Teairra gave him head I almost fell on the
floor. On one hand I think he’s full of shit but on the other Teairra’s reaction didn’t
give me much to go on. She looked “caught”! Idk wtf to believe. I hope it’s not
true but if it is she ain’t shit either. They kissed??? Girl whet?????????
What is obvious is Hazel has NOOOOOOOOOOO friends in
Everybody had something to say about her relationship or lack thereof all the while giving Berg tender kisses in private. #ohtheirony
Soulja and Nia
Other than Soulja lookin like a Cheshire cat the whole
episode I have nothing to say about them! #geekinho
Zzzzz who cares
Plastic Surgery Lies:
Nikki knows damn well she got more than her nose and tits
done. Bishhhhhhhhhhhh please!!!!!!! Everything on her is straight from Mattel! Then she wants
us to believe dat ass is real? #never
Lordt knows Hazel didn’t need anything done to her nose
except get a nose job. That beak has to go!!!!!!!!! Those lips too. Not a good look boo boo! Hopefully she'll work all that out after she gets her Love and Hip Hop coins!
Masika also has obviously had more than a boob job too. I guess nobody is
gon keep it real.
“I got heels higher than ya self esteem” tho??????
And on that note.....end scene. On to #LHHNY please!!!!
Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Episode 13 [Reunion Part 2]
video courtesy of Yardie