Showing posts with label Benzino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benzino. Show all posts

SHOCKER: Love and Hip Hop is SCRIPTED and FAKE says Joseline Hernandez [VIDEO INSIDE]

Ummmm SHOCKER? Hell nah lmaooo She didn't say anything that we didn't already know. Mona Scott ain't low. Love and Hip Hop ain't real! Makes for entertaining tv nonetheless tho! #myguiltypleasure
Joseline brought that lil tidbit to light yesterday while under oath. You remember that lil case that was pending that ex costars, Althea and Benzino had against her and Stevie J for they huge brawl they had on the last reunion show? Well it is currently being reviewed.

TMZ Reports:
Joseline Hernandez from "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" knows what's real ... and it's not her show.
Hernandez testified under oath in a videotaped deposition that she and other cast members stick to a script.
She's being sued by former co-star Althea Eaton, who claims Joseline got high on crack cocaine and then beat the crap out of her during a reunion show.
During the depo, Althea's lawyer wanted to know if the real Joseline emerged during the fight in question, or whether it was pre-programmed.
Joseline is brutally honest in the depo. Check it out. It doesn't get more real.
Peep video footage below: