Showing posts with label Safaree Samuels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safaree Samuels. Show all posts

Smart Move: Safaree Samuels Walks Away from Confrontation with Angry Brooklyn Mob [VIDEO INSIDE]

Ummm so yessss people. When the goons walk up on you with masks and scarves covering their faces it's time to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Safaree knew he wasn't about that life and walked away. No telling what would have happened had he not made that decision but the outlook didn't look too good. I know a lot of people were sayin he should have done this and that and dragged him for filth on social media but I ain't even mad at the man. I bet none of those same people talkin sh*t are gonna pay for the man's funeral, let alone attend so please stfu!!!!!! More people need to walk away when they know they are in wellll over their heads. Peep this vid tho.

Safaree gives his side of the Infamous Breakup with Nicki Minaj to The Breakfast Club!

"I would never do anything publicly to try to pull her down. Whatever happens between me and her one on one is what it is, that’s personal. I would never put that out there. I could be out here telling a million stories and doing cornball shit, but I’m not gonna do that and I never plan on doing that. I just think it’s crazy for her to come out now and try to pull me down and try to say I’m corny. I don’t care who you with, who you with don’t mean nothing to me. I want you to move on, because I’m moving on. I walked away from the situation."  -Safaree on Nicki Minaj
Hmm with that said I have to say I respect it. No need to air each other out! He's taking the high rode while Nicki calls him "corny"! #sigh Anyway Safaree Samuels sat down to give his side of their breakup. I find it weird that after such a private "10 year relationship" they decide to have such an open, nasty breakup. Anyway you can peep the full interview below.