Showing posts with label Million Man March 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Million Man March 2015. Show all posts

Million Man March 2015

The Revolution will NOT be Televised!!!!

Oh you thought they were playing? The 20th anniversary of the Million Man March took place in Washington DC over the weekend and received minimal coverage from the media!!! Yes you read that correctly. Aside from C-Span, it seems the media had better things to do than to show black people come together in peaceful union. Even more insulting, BET of all networks went to sleep on the event as well. Around the clock coverage for the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and elsewhere but only one station, I saw, actually followed this peaceful event. Are you surprised? I hope not. As a matter of fact I hope this awakens you from your deep sleep as well.

Using the phrase, Justice or Else, was an awesome way to gain people's attention. However, I felt the lack luster speech Minister Louis Farrakhan gave didn't even touch on half the topics that needed to be discussed. There are far more important issues that black people are dealing with as a whole and as I listened I kept asking but what about this and what about that? Don't get me wrong, Farrakhan had some valid points and did an awesome job promoting unity and boosting moral as a whole but I had a hard time locating the revolutionary "or else" part of his speech. At times, rambling on, the 2 hour speech felt like he winged it a little in my opinion. Welp! I won't spoil it any further and go into anymore details. You can listen to the full speech below. You can also check out photos from the event below.