Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 7

Here’s Jhonni:

Ugh so here we go again with Rich and his antics. When will he learn to leave these strippers and such in the club and keep them outside of the studios? He must love lookin like a fool in these Love and Hip Hop streets. Has there been one artist, other than Olivia, that he hasn’t mixed some sort of pleasure with…geesh! Anyway Jhonni Blaze does come off as being messy as fck! #datasstho #tipdrill
#crymeariver This bish is psycho. Posting phone numbers and d*ck pics on social media cuz you mad? #insane Rich should walk away now while he still can.
"Everyone knows that business is handled on the golf course" so of course Rich brought everyone to putt putt #LMAOOOOO I'm beyond tired of hearing about fake business ventures I could scream. #thatsalligotonthat

Go Speed Racer Go:

Just in time for Valentine’s Day Diamond has found her a new man. Damn people move fast. What has it been 2 episodes and she’s moved on to a new relationship. #slowdownalready Hopefully he’ll be better for her than Cisco but I’m gon need these people to really get to know each other before they jump the all the way in. At least she's being honest about her dog this time. Oops I mean child!! #goodjobmom

[Insert Cisco]

What kills me about dudes like Cisco is his feeling of entitlement. He can cheat on you and have a baby behind your back but you can’t move on to someone new. He can cheat on you and date other women, but you can’t move on and have another man around his kids. OH!!!!! So after “girl talk” with his boy Rich, Cisco is feeling some type of way about Diamond moving on. #theabsolutenerve So of course, in an attempt to get his lady back he invites her to a studio session which goes left in a matter of minutes lol
Diamond is a single LADY, she didn’t have to call and say nothing to CISCO…he’s cancelled. She doesn't owe him sh*t. He feels like he deserves a phone call? After all the sh*t he did. Man stopppppppppppppppppp! He did have a small point though… he DID NOT beg Diamond to move to NYC. She up and moved. HOWEVER who cares? Then when she was spitting the realness at him he had to go and disrespect her...calling her all types of bitches and bird? Really? He reminds me of someone I know. Can’t handle the truth, can’t handle not getting his way and instead of parting ways like an adult, he chooses the juvenile route with the name calling and such. #typicalclownshhht

Domestic Disputes:

So it was Mendeecees bright idea to bring his mother to dinner to meet with his baby muvahhh Samantha and Kim.  That whole operation went left quickly LOL Mannnn
Kim came in there all sweet and everything. Then that drink was thrown and  all that sweet ish with out the window. Not that I blame her though. Let’s be real Mendeecees mother was out of line. She was real sensitive and bent out of shape about that age question. geewiz lady! LOLLLLLLL  I’ll give her this though she can sure move around fast for an older woman. Both of them actually lol The way she was callin Mendeedcees for help! REALLY LADY? After you just turnt up on lil Mendeecees Grandpama? She was scared for her whole entire life LMAO #shegonlearntoday

Family Affairs:

Amina’s family is visiting from Germany and needless to say they are not here for Peter and his bull! They’re ready for Amina to pack her and the baby’s bags and bring that ass back to Germany. With everything that’s going on sounds like a plan to me.
"I don’t want my daughter to see her father treat me like a side chick." NEWSFLASH!!! AMINA YOU ARE  A SIDE-CHICK. You may even be the first one in history to get the man to marry you and keep you at that same side-chick level. Congrats boo!
Peter still stays the night at Tara’s house to take the kids to school in the morning? Like really? Why the hell can’t he just get up early enough to go over there and take them? Mannnn listen. Peter is doing this to Amina because Amina is allowing it. He knew she was a pushover when he met her. That’s why he married her.
This fool said he feels like he’s always in the doghouse. Ummm duh because YOU ARE A DOG PETER!!!
She can’t even contact him 24/7. That’s ridiculous. He’s gonna do better tho. Umm #dontholdyourbreathpeople

Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 7

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