Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 11

Damn we're getting closer and closer to the end of the season and reunion time. Can't wait! This season has been kinda boringggggggggggg. I'm gon need Atlanta to give me everything I've been missing because NYC ain't it.

To Smash the Homie or Nah

Rich’s creep level is on 100. Like I’m convinced he has bedbugs. I’m disgusted by Diamond too. "Rich is a very attractive man!" Omg where? I wouldn't look at Rich twice. Their diner scene was just gross.

Then this mofo talks to Cisco and thinks it’s ok that he sleep with his ex gf? Ugh it’s just CODE that you don’t mess with the ex. Like come on!!!!! Deez hoes/friends/homies/bros ain’t loyal!
So next Rich wants to be messy and show Chink, Chrissy’s booty pics in her new I’Adore Magazine spread. Ughhhh

The same ole tune

What song was Cisco listening to in the studio? The track wasn’t even going that fast so why was his head bop on 100? LOL In all seriousness though, the song sounded ok. I wish they would go ahead and get this song and storyline done with though because it’s making me sleepy!

Baby Don’t Go!

FINALLY Amina has moved. Y’all already know this is temporary, so whatever! Peter deserves all this pain and suffering and then some. Of course he has to go to Germany to get his family back? #puhlease
He’s bring home fleas to his family. He doesn’t deserve to stay in the house yet. Peter needs to be sleeping in a dog house, right outside where he belongs. #filthyanimal
Amina’s mother should have slapped the taste right out of Peter’s mouth. Then that mofo was sittin up there with a lil smirk on his face. Mama is right. Peter is Peter. He isn’t gonna change!!! Amina better stick to co-parenting because Peter is gonna drag her through the mud some more if she lets him.

Same Ole Bullsh*t

Ummmm Chink and Chrissy needs to just call it quits and go their separate ways.  Chink comes up with every excuse in the book not to make everything official. Like umm get a divorce…focus on the relationship already. Fix relations with the family so they can accept your new gf. There are so many open ends here of course this relationship is set up to fail. And they break up yet again. Hopefully, for the final time.

Love & Hip Hop Season 5 Episode 11

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